Feria de Zaragoza


- Market situation and forecasts of the future growth
- New indicators of the plants results
- Lessons learned from solar market growth
- Agricultural use of solar sites
- Operational differences between plants with market sales/auction results
- Implications of EPC design for downstream services
- Quality of services

- Surveillance and safety of the plants
- Safety and health for people
- Cibersecurity
- Insurance, experiences in risk coverage

- Main needs/shortcomings in the sector
- Professional background: gaps and improvements
- The usage of digital skills and virtual reality
- Women in asset management services

- Extern components for plants monitorization
- Digitalization
- Production forecasts/short-term price forecasts

The storage maintenance
- Electrolyzers maintenance
- Repotenciation and “revamping” of plants
- Secondary markets and recycling of components

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