|  BELGICAST INTERNACIONAL, S.A.U. |  Vizcaya / Spain | ULTRAF: CONTROL VALVE WITH INTEGRATED FLOW METERULTRAF is an automatic control valve with an integrated ultrasonic flow meter powered by a battery with a 10 year operating autonomy. It has several functions, among which, are irrigation control with a calendar programmer to programme either by irrigation time or by the volume transferred, management of pressure in supply networks, tank filling control, control of pumping stations and fire fighting systems. In addition, its control and configuration is carried out by mobile app for iOS and Android. |
 |  BURKERT IBÉRICA, S.A.U. |  Barcelona / Spain | 8905 ONLINE ANALITYCAL SYSTEMSystem for analyzing the physical-chemical parameters of water using MEMS (micro electro mechanical systems) technology, including the monitoring and retransmission of analytical data. Analyses are available for pH, conductivity, ORP, chlorine, turbidity, and iron. Analyses for hardness and TOC are currently under development. |
 |  FLOTTWEG SE |  Vilsbiburg/ Germany | XELLETORThe Flottweg Xelletor is a system that enables use of the essential characteristic feature of the machine, that is, the combination of a centrifugal rotor and auger. A new sludge processing system thanks to the new auger design of the Xelletor series provides a mechanical separation process that is even more efficient thanks to the open grid structure, for dewatering sludge in water treatment plants, reducing the amount of sludge to be disposed of. |
 |  GRUPO MEJORAS |  Madrid / Spain | AKWAMETRICThe akwaMetric is an autonomous unit for multi-parameter monitoring of water quality in drinking water distribution systems. It is a totally flexible modular platform, also providing pressure and flow data as well as pressure transients, enabling quality control of mains water and improved control of hydraulic sectors using one single unit. |
 |  INSTRUMENTACIÓN ANALITICA, S.A. |  Madrid / Spain | FLOW-TRACKER 2The portable Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) SonTek FlowTracker2, is a modern-designed device for measuring velocity, bathymetry and single flow rates, for use in a wide variety of natural and man-made channels, complying with the ISO 748 standard. |
 |  INSTRUMENTACIÓN ANALITICA, S.A. |  Madrid / Spain | YSI I3XO ECOMAPPER AUVAutonomous underwater vehicle that can submerge to a depth of 100 m, measuring and storing water quality parameters: pH, conductivity, temperature, oxygen, turbidity, total algae: chlorophyll+phycocyanin and FDOM. |
 |  IVERNA 2000, S.L. |  Zaragoza / Spain | SUGARPODSUGARPOD filters are a simple, effective solution to eliminate all types of odours, particularly at wastewater holding ponds, pumping stations, water treatment plants and cesspools. Each SUGARPOD filter comprises a casing in HDPE, PE or stainless steel that is resistant to external factors and a high-quality active charcoal impregnated filter cartridge, specially selected to eliminate chemical compounds such as H2S, SO2, NH3, etc… The cartridge is housed inside a specially adjusted polyamide mesh which guarantees correct usage for several years. |
 |  KAMSTRUP A/S SUCURSAL EN ESPAÑA |  Madrid / Spain | KAMSTRUP VALVEA shutoff valve with Smart technology to control the water supply to consumers. It can be used to cut off the water supply to consumers due to non-payment of bills or if the water supply has to be cut off for a period of time. It can be controlled remotely. Users can open, close or throttle the valve via a mobile app. |
 |  MOLECOR TECNOLOGÍA, S.A. |  Madrid / Spain | CPVC-O PIPESA totally innovative material: CPVC-O (oriented chlorinated polyvinyl chloride).
By applying the principles of molecular orientation to CPVC, the resulting product has all of the advantages of traditional O-PVC pipes but with the increased resistance to high temperatures that CPVC pipes currently have. This allows development of a product range of superior characteristics and greater advantages as well as the possibility of extending the current range of diameters.
 |  PERIBEST PUMPS, S.L. |  Baleares / Spain | HEAVY-DUTY INDUSTRIAL PERISTALTIC PUMPS WITH XXL ROLLERSIndustrial peristaltic pumps design for high-demand applications (continuous 24/7 use) with robustly designed XXL rollers, overdimensioned bearings, cutting-edge rectified hose with very tightly adjusted tolerances and minimum use of lubricants. |
 |  PLASTICUERO, S.L.U. - PANAL FLOTANTE |  Alicante / Spain | HEXABALLSSystem for covering liquid masses, formed by hexagonal spheres made of high density polyethylene. It provides solutions to evaporation (reducing evaporation up to 70%). It also reduces algae and controls odours as well as reducing the use of electricity and chemical products. |
 |  RADIOPOINT SYSTEMS, S.L. |  Madrid / Spain | E-SAFE UNIVERSAL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES DETECTORPortable system to detect all types of underground utilities and pipelines, with estimation of depths.
Using geo-radar techniques, this equipment performs real-time, user-friendly data processing. The colour code system enables underground utilities to be easily located. |
 |  SAINT-GOBAIN PAM ESPAÑA, S.A. |  Madrid / Spain | NGL RING FLOW CONTROL VALVENew generation (NGL) control valve for regulating pressure and/or flow, with a ring section flow geometry, DN 100 to DN 1400 and PN 10/16 and 25, apt for drinking water and irrigation markets. |
 |  SAINT-GOBAIN PAM ESPAÑA, S.A. |  Madrid / Spain | REXESS 2: NEW D400 CLASS HIGHWAY MANHOLE COVERS FOR AVERAGE VOLUME TRAFFICThe new REXESS 2 is a D400 class manhole cover for average volume traffic which adds an easy, ergonomic opening feature to the safety and reliability of Saint-Gobain PAM’s ductile cast iron manhole covers. |
 |  SISTEMES ELECTRONICS PROGRES, S.A. |  Lleida / Spain | ONE-STOP SOLUTION FOR IRRIGATION CONTROLSensors connected to the programmers collect data on the state of the plant, soil, climate and consumptions and transfer them to the cloud with the data from the API’s and remote sensing.
Management tools allow access to this information that is processed and displayed by status graphs, interactive maps, detailed records, etc.
Via a computer, tablet or mobile phone, users can consult the state of the installation, analyze it and adjust the amount of water and fertilizer according to crop needs. |
 |  UR-CAST WATER FITTINGS, S.L. |  Álava / Spain | UR-41: CLAMP TO REPAIR POLYETHYLENE PIPES AT JOINTSThe clamp rapidly and permanently repairs leaks that occur at the connection points of pipes (joined by butt welding or by electro-welded sleeves) on polyethylene pipes, without having to cut off the water flow. |