Seeds and phytosanitary products are fundamental pillars in agriculture, where innovation and research are key to ensuring healthy and sustainable harvests.
Seeds are the main basis for human sustenance. They are the repository of the genetic potential of agricultural species and their varieties are the result of continuous improvement and selection over time.
To improve agriculture and tackle growing environmental challenges, it is crucial to improve the plants we grow and to provide farmers with outstanding seeds and planting materials. This ensures better quality harvests and helps meet the challenges of the environment.
At FIMA, the epicentre of the latest agricultural trends, more than 120 brands present the latest innovations in the seed and plant protection products sector.
Agriculture is undergoing a technological revolution. In particular, numerous innovations are being developed to replace the synthetic chemicals that have revolutionized food production since the middle of the last century.
The direct injection system, which avoids mixing the product in the sprayer tank, controlled-drop rotary heads are also making a comeback, and drone applicators are gaining increasingly prominence.
The crop protection sector is witnessing a remarkable transformation, and these new technologies are paving the way for a promising future in agriculture.
Register and discover how technology is transforming the future of agriculture, prioritizing sustainability and efficiency in the use of seeds and phytosanitary products.