Feria de Zaragoza
ARATUR offers an excellent showcase for exhibitors to present their tourism products and services to the consumer public, within a reference framework of quality supply and demand.

The proximity to the holiday period encourages visitors to make a decision and favours the direct sale of tourist packages.

Many parallel-running activities are staged such as conferences, presentations, show cookings, etc., oriented towards the general public, with the aim of helping exhibitors to promote their services and encouraging visitors to buy.

Aratur is the reference fair in Aragon where you can find the tourist, gastronomic, cultural, etc, offer from many countries, Autonomous Communities, counties, provinces, etc ...


One million five hundred thousand is the population of aragon and it is basically concentrated in its main city, zaragoza, the fifth largest city in spain with more than 700,000 inhabitants. The strategic location of Zaragoza, with 20 millions of inhabitants around its 300 kms, favors the displacement of millions of professional and general visitors, not only from Aragon, but also from the bordering regions, as Cataluña, Navarra or La Rioja.

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