We would like to draw your attention and warn you about certain companies that are sending
letters, faxes or email messages offering to include your company in an exhibitors’ directory or
company guide such as: International Fairs Directory, FAIRGuide, Expo-Guide, Event-Fair,
Construct Data Verlag, World Business Directory or World Business Guide.
MULPOR Company S.A. of Uruguay (also known as International Fairs Directory) CONSTRUCT DATA VERLAG of Vienna, Austria or Bratislava, Slovakia (also known as FairGuide or Expo-Guide), wwwdb s.r.o. Bratislava (Event-Fair) - EU Business Services LTD of Utrecht Netherlands or Charlestown Nevis West Indies (also known as EU Business Register, World Business Directory or World Business Guide) are not associated in any way whatsoever with ZARAGOZA EXHIBITION CENTRE (FERIA DE ZARAGOZA) nor with any of its commercial show events.
There are several organisations (including Mulpor Company S.A. that uses the name of International Fairs Directory, Construct Data, that uses the names of FairGuide and Expo Guide and wwwdb s.r.o., that uses the name of Event-Fair) that have been contacting exhibitors and small businesses all over the world referring to ZARAGOZA EXHIBITION CENTRE events and asking exhibitors to update their lists of directories of commercial shows or their directories of companies worldwide. If you have taken part in any of our shows over the past few years or you are planning to participate in any of our events this year, it is possible that they have contacted you already or will contact you.
If you respond to a request by email, letter or fax from any of the aforementioned companies to update their directory list, you may find yourself bound to an automatically renewable 3-year contract entailing an annual charge of up to 1,212 Euros, 1,177 Euros, 1,700 USD, 980 GBP or more.
Before responding to such a request please read the entire document carefully and, if in doubt, do not respond at all. If your business is located in Europe you can contact your local and European Consumers’ Rights office.
In the case of USA businesses, if you have a complaint or any concerns regarding unrequested email or fax messages from any of the above companies, you can contact your local Better Business Bureau and the Federal Trade Commission, Washington DC.