Feria de Zaragoza

What is the FIGAN Excellence Award?

The FIGAN Excellence Award aims to recognize the excellent work of livestock companies. By participating in the Excellence Award, they aim to show the level and goodness of their accommodation, facilities, production systems and livestock techniques.

All this in order to be able to show the sector new business models applicable to the livestock sector within the framework of the current market.

This is a prize that values realities and facts. From this point of view, information is requested to provide the Evaluation Jury with an objective consideration of the overall excellence of the candidate livestock companies.

The Award is aimed at livestock farms, which have implemented practical and demonstrable advances, in order to improve and find new business models applicable to the current industry and market, and the deadline for submission of applications will close at 23:59 hours (GMT+2h) on 16 December 2024.


Los candidatos al Premio Excelencia FIGAN serán, por cada solicitud, una única empresa u organización y deberán cumplir con los siguientes requisitos:
- Ser visitantes o expositores de la edición 2025.
- Tener implantado y en funcionamiento el modelo de empresa que presentan al Premio.
- Cumplir estrictamente con la legislación vigente.
- El participante deberá aportar la documentación requerida en el punto Nº 6, particularmente todos aquellos datos e informaciones que sirvan para demostrar la excelencia global de la empresa ganadera..

Además, deberán cumplimentar el formulario online y subir la documentación requerida en el punto nº 6 de la convocatoria.



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