Feria de Zaragoza
Total: 9 elementos.
24 hours to go until SMAGUA-SPAPER 2021

24 hours to go until SMAGUA-SPAPER 2021

Sign up to obtain your FREE VISITOR PASS and get to know the sector's reference fair at national level.
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No te pierdas la cita de la industria hídrica y del sector papelero

No te pierdas la cita de la industria hídrica y del sector papelero

SMAGUA-SPAPER regresan con el foco puesto en la tecnología, la innovación y el conocimiento.
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Conoce la funcionalidad de contactos de la App de Spaper 2021

Conoce la funcionalidad de contactos de la App de Spaper 2021

Gracias a nuestra app puedes consultar de forma rápida y sencilla todo lo relacionado con la 2ª edición de SPAPER: listado de expositores, acreditaciones, jornadas técnicas, planos interactivos, noticas, premios, etc.
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Smagua-Spaper 2021 - Extranet visitors

Smagua-Spaper 2021 - Extranet visitors

Smagua-Spaper 2021 - Extranet visitors
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SPAPER, will bring the sector in a trade fair that is committed to sustainability and technology

SPAPER, will bring the sector in a trade fair that is committed to sustainability and technology

Zaragoza Fair highlights the paper industry with the second edition of SPAPER, which will bring together the sector in a trade fair that is committed to sustainability and technology. The International Exhibition of Machinery and Equipment for Pulp, Paper and Cartonboard will be held together with SMAGUA from 19 to 21 October and will be attended by leading players in the paper industry
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SPAPER, will bring the sector in a trade fair that is committed to sustainability and technology

SPAPER, will bring the sector in a trade fair that is committed to sustainability and technology

Zaragoza Fair highlights the paper industry with the second edition of SPAPER, which will bring together the sector in a trade fair that is committed to sustainability and technology. The International Exhibition of Machinery and Equipment for Pulp, Paper and Cartonboard will be held together with SMAGUA from 19 to 21 October and will be attended by leading players in the paper industry
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SPAPER 2021, innovation and technological debate

SPAPER 2021, innovation and technological debate

SPAPER 2021 aims to promote the pulp and paper market and offer a professional showcase that contributes to its further progress and dynamism.
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Total: 9 elementos.

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